CQI Videos


RAHC / AMSANT CQI eLearning Modules

The eLearning Module will provide accessible CQI training to everyone who works in the NT health system. The eLearning Module is an interactive training tool and will provide a great foundation for all new staff to get an understanding of continuous quality improvement and how CQI is applied in primary health care centres in the NT. 

How to do a PDSA Cycle – Training Video

The Plan Do Study Act or PDSA cycle is one of the most commonly used CQI tools to support rapid cycles of change for improvement. 

It is also called “The model for improvement”

Use this tool when you need to put a plan in place to help you achieve your improvement goals. 

A few tips….

  • Get the whole team involved to come up with lots of ideas or steps to achieve your goal
  • Keep the PDSA simple and clear
  • Keep your PDSAs small – break down BIG projects into small pieces
  • Keep your PDSA cycles short – what can you do in a week or two?

In this training video, you will be shown step by step how to successfully undertake PDSA cycles and to achieve your improvement goals.

Data Analysis Made Simple – Training Video

We are data rich in the Northern Territory. Data takes the guess work about how we are doing; highlighting our strengths and showing us where our gaps or “opportunities for improvement” are. 

In this short training video, you will be shown how to analyse your data, how to look at a graph and understand the story it is telling you.  

Data analysis is about “making sense” of the data and understanding what it is telling us.