Accreditation Support
Accreditation is the formal process for certifying the competency (and credibility) of our member services, and ensures that quality standards, processes and systems are maintained in health services. Without this official recognition, standards would fall and health delivery would be compromised, thereby jeopardising patients and their health outcomes.
AMSANT members have the highest rates of accreditation for ACCHSs in the nation, and many gain accreditation for both the clinical and organisational aspects of their services. This gives them confidence and credibility when seeking government funding or support; and ensures patients receive the best possible care.
Accreditation is voluntary and available to all ACCHSs. It usually takes about two years to gain accreditation and is a continuing process that is driven by our full-time Accreditation Officer.
The relevant organisations and standards that AMSANT work with are the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), General Practice Australia Accreditation Plus (GPA+), the Quality Improvement Council (QIC), the Australian Council on Health Care Standards (ACHC) and the International Standardisation Organisation (ISO).
Accreditation is achieved through performance improvement, and leads to a formal recognition of standards reached and a demonstrated commitment to Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI). This gives patients and funders a strong confidence in the quality of the health services that our member services provide.