Health Professional Diabetes Feet Resources
online training: Screening for Diabetes Foot Risk
Complete the basic diabetes foot assessment training module for primary health care staff including registered nurses, general practitioners and Aboriginal health practitioners. Developed by Katherine West Health Board, Wurli Wurlinjang Health Service and Sunrise Health Service.
Elearn: Listen to Diabetes Feet Australia Podcast Series 
Insightful and practical education for health professionals, with the goal to improve feet health outcomes for people living with diabetes. Check out the DFYarn Podcast series, listen and learn about the lived experiences of diabetes feet health and disease in our First Nations Communities, in health settings, and the impact more broadly.
Wound Education and Training Directory: WETD
Developed by Wound Australia and Australian Health Research Alliance (AHRA) in partnership with Health Translation Queensland and Monash Partners, have embarked on an ambitious project to develop a comprehensive Wound Education and Training Directory (WETD). WETD collates the best wound care courses off ered by reputable providers in a single, searchable database. Open access. Free to upload and search. Comprehensive and quality-controlled.