Ear Health

About the Ear Health Coordinator Program

The Ear Health Coordinators are part of the National Ear Coordinator Program (ECP) and have been funded at AMSANT since early 2020. 

Through working closely and collaboratively with Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHS), the NT Government, and other key stakeholders, the ECP aims to improve ear and hearing health outcomes for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people.

Our ear health coordinators also have a role in ensuring ACCHS are kept up to-date with relevant information and resources, including education and training; health promotion; upcoming events; funding; and other opportunities as they arise.

We do everything we can to build capacity in Primary Care for ear and hearing care. Please contact us if we can support you or your clinic in any way.

Meet Your Ear Health Coordinators

Catharine Kent

Catharine has lived in the NT for over 20 years, working primarily in Aboriginal health as a registered nurse in both urban and remote settings. Catharine is based in Darwin. Contact catharine@amsant.org.au

Ruby Bethune

Ruby is a clinical audiologist born and raised in the NT. She has delivered ear and hearing care in both urban and remote settings. Ruby is based in Alice Springs and is passionate about ear and hearing equity. Contact ruby.bethune@amsant.org.au

World Hearing Day 2025

World Hearing Day 2025 is coming up on March 3rd! This year’s theme, “Changing Mindsets: Let’s Make Ear & Hearing Care a Reality for All,” highlights the importance of accessible and culturally safe hearing healthcare. Take a look at the WHO website to download some of their resources https://www.who.int/campaigns/world-hearing-day/2025.

Hearing loss remains a significant health challenge in our communities, but early detection, prevention, and intervention can make a real difference. To support clinics in raising awareness and taking action, AMSANT has compiled a list of activities and attached resources that your clinic can use to implement to get involved in this global campaign.

World Hearing Day Activities Clinics

Contact your ear health coordinator if you would like to be involved or want further support. Top End catharine@amsant.org.au Central/Barkly: ruby.bethune@amsant.org.au 

Ear Syringing Resources

Please see the attached video for a guide on how to conduct ear syringing effectively and safely as per the CARPA Procedures and Standard Treatment Manuals. This video is for pracitioners working in primary care that follow CARPA.

Information regarding how to order OtoClear ear syringing tips:
Bionix OtoClear Ear Irrigation Tips

Futher information regarding this product:
Pittsburgh_OtoClear_study otoclear-ear-irrigation-tips-7200-flyer

Ear Health/Disease Diagnosis Training Resources for Clinicians

FREE Online Training
Funded by the Commonwealth and developed by TAFENSW, Ear Train is an online training program for PHC professionals to identify and manage otitis media and other ear conditions in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. AMSANT’s EHCs have been involved to ensure the online course is relevant to the NT context. The resource is a useful online, self-paced learning tool for health professionals. Click here to go to the TAFENSW webpage. EarTrain also offers in-person training workshops which will be advertised on this webpage. For enquiries contact your Ear Health Coordinator. 

Rural Health Pro has curated a series of videos under the Ear Health Coordination program to enhance the monitoring and treatment of ear and hearing health in primary care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and youth. Click here to check out the videos.

Otitis Media and Ear Disease Diagnosis Resources


Free, fast and offline access to best practice recommendations in diagnosis and management of Otitis Media in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. A clinical decision making tool to help you to prevent the life-long impacts that undetected Otitis Media and hearing loss have on these high-risk children. https://otitismediaguidelines.com/

CARPA Treatment Manual (Page 394-406)
A clinical manual for primary health care practitioners in remote and Aboriginal health services. This manual contains best practice guidelines and supports practitioners in the diagnosis, treatment and management of middle ear disease. 

CARPA Clinical Procedures Manual (Page 249-262)
A clinical guide detailing how to undertake ear related clinical procedures such as otoscopy, tympanometry, ear irrigation, dry mopping and basic hearing assessments.


Care for Kids’ Ears offers information and resources about ear health for parents, carers, teachers, teachers’ aides, early childhood workers and health professionals. The resources aim to help reduce rates of otitis media among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. If you care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, you can order Care for Kids’ Ears resources for free, including brochures, booklets, activity books, crayons and stickers. You can also download and print as many copies as you like.

Visiting Audiology/Ear Health Programs in the NT

Northern Territory Government Hearing Services. Hearing tests and initiation of treatment as per CARPA for ear disease for all children aged 0-21 years. Telemedicine for ENT care on community.

Referral Form: nt-hearing-services-referral-form

Hearing Australia Hearing tests for all ages (with an already diagnosed hearing loss) and hearing aid provision to people that meet certain criteria. Free diagnostic hearing check for First Nations children that have not yet started school.

Other Resources

FREE Ear & Hearing Equipment
SONIC Innovations is the provider of the Commonwealth funded Ear and Hearing Assessment Equipment Program. This program provides free equipment required in the assessment and screening of ears and hearing to Aboriginal Controlled Health Services and services who have a primarily Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population. Click here for a power point of the Webinar held in August 2021.

PLUM & HATS are simple checklists. They help health and early childhood workers ask families the right questions to find out how bub’s listening and yarning skills are growing.

Upcoming Training Opportunities

Upcoming training opportunities will be advertised here. 

AMSANT’S Ear Health Community of Practice- Scan the QR code to join.


Workshop Photos