Public Health
The Public Health team is made up of doctors, registrars and health officers who provide expert advice to AMSANT members, Board and staff on primary health care and public health issues. Our clinical advice and information is shared more widely with AMSANT partners, stakeholders and government agencies.
Our work has never been more important in this age of the COVID, as we are coordinating the public health responses to the pandemic and delivering information to our members to prevent its transmission, especially in vulnerable and remote areas. These achievements have been recognised across the nation.
These COVID responses are vital for the safety of our people and have increased as the roll-out of vaccinations continues. Our members have many concerns and questions about the vaccinations (and other issues) and our team is well poised to answer them in regular face-to-face meetings, teleconferences and Zoom sessions.
Central to our other work is the review of key performance indicators (KPIs) to ensure they provide relevant clinical data to use for CQI, clinical governance and service planning. We provide pooled data reports to members to help them benchmark their performance, and to identify areas where systems or training may need to be reviewed.
This support and promotion of community controlled health care has increased the number of people using Aboriginal services ~ 68% of clients in the NT PHC system are regular clients of ACCHSs (Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services).
Ear health, child immunisation, anaemia, diabetes, STIs, renal disease and food security are key areas of the team’s daily activity, as too are rapid-responses to ad hoc issues such as COVID.